Sunday, July 5, 2009

Changes Everything...

Back from Italy...

The world is so big and full of wonder, glory and mystery. The Lord paints the sky and gives breath to flesh, changes our hearts toward truth and mercy by grace. The people are what matter, those souls that roam the land and the sea are spiritual beings on a human journey. It's not about the car you drive or the clothes you wear, the money in the bank or what's left in your wallet, it's not about the bling or even your biggest dreams... It's about Him. God's plan for your life is for you to know Him and make Him known. Hearing the Gospel changes me to this day. hearing of who Christ is, the power and the grace, hearing of what He came to do, His finished work on the cross, hearing of His ressurection, how He conquered sin and death, hearing about His Spirit, that He is alive forever more, in me... Changes Everything. His life, death and ressurection have turned the world and trusting hearts upside down. Now our lives are poured out into the darkness and people see His light, His splendor and He is glorified because of what He has done. I've never been so aware of my sin, how I have nothing to offer... Yet I am forgiven through faith and clothed in garments of grace. There's nothing for me to do but rest in the ways He uses me. Try not to be anyone else and just press on in this skin, with my faults and my insecurities, with my fears and my worry I just take another step toward Him and He slowly shapes me to be like Him. I'm so far from done, yet He is faithful to complete the work He has begun in me... This is my hope, that He will finish what He started when He met me where I was. He loves me the way I am, but He loves me too much to leave me this way. That's why I trust in Christ, because He is. There's nothing to trust in apart from Him. These are my thoughts as I return from two weeks in Italy, two weeks with the Gospel working on my heart...

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